Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rhiannon and her bridesmaid Lucy. Lovely girls!
A gorgeous little girl called Hayley, one of my favourite children to photograph, she laughs at anything and everything and always looks at the camera and has a perfect little smile. Thanks to her mother Tarrah for her enthusiasm at our shoots.
James and Christy with their bundle of joy. What a beautiful family they make :)
I had the honour of shooting my first wedding of 2009 for this lovely lady. She (the bride) would have to be one of the most stunning young women I have ever photographed. So photogenic!


Anonymous March 19, 2009 at 5:10 AM  

That full length portrait, just above ^^^ is so moody! I know ya said no one comments here, well, i will start.

This photo deserves a comment, it is S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G!

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