Master {J} | Sunshine Coast Lifestyle Photographer
Forgive me, I have had a lot on my plate lately. My work has taken a slight back seat. That doesn't mean I haven't been doing much, just that blogging and updating Fan pages have been a bit behind. I intend to be completely caught up before I leave for Cambodia. So the next four weeks will be hopefully full of new posts (time permitting)
For now, here is the adorable Master {J}, the hugest blue eyes with eyelashes that go on forever (yeah they are always wasted on the boys). I want them. *cries*
He seemed to have a thing for my phone, and although he's not even two yet, was able to converse with an imaginary person on the other end for ages. With, I might add, a perfect smile to match!!!
...and last but not least, how wonderful is this light!!!!
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