Sunday, July 11, 2010

Swamped | Sunshine Coast Photographer

So, you may have heard around the traps that I am heading off to Cambodia shortly. In fact I leave in 13 days. I have been so overwhelmed with support from friends and family and I want to thank everyone who has been there for me and for Jasmin at this time. This is to be my first missions trip, we go to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap for two weeks and will jump in the deep end of things loving and caring for orphaned children, mother's struggling to feed their kids (let alone themselves) and young girls rescued from the clutches of the enormous sex slave industry.
For those of you who don't know me personally, I have only been a Christian for the last 4 years, but in that short time the first thing I have learned about God is that He is a God of love, justice and compassion. He has a heart for His people, for the hungry and the poor, for the broken and the hurt. And if there is one thing He wants us to do above and beyond all else, it is to love those people. So we go to love them. We are not going with the intent to tell them about Jesus, if someone asks I will tell them. But that's not my agenda. My agenda is God's agenda, to love.

Wow, I sat down with the intentions of just posting a few pics to keep everyone's interest fed before I leave (truth be told I probably won't have time til I get back), and I end up pouring my heart out.

I cannot wait. I am a bit afraid of the things I will see, but I am more afraid of what my life, or their lives, or my daughter's life would be like if there were never people who were willing to give their time to run headfirst into the thick of things - to jump in the deep end.

So for those of you who believe, please pray for us and for me to be strong. And for those of you who don't believe in God, believe in loving others and that's why we go.

*takes deep breath* Here I go. *leaps*

God bless,



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